Surface Pro at a Microsoft Specialty Store in Glendale, Calif. As of this afternoon, the 128GB model is still out of stock at Los Angeles Microsoft stores.
Brooke Crothers)
The 128GB Surface Pro is a rare commodity at the moment. And stiff eBay asking prices reflect this.
In fact, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that some eBay vendors are hoarding the device, trying to cash in on the scarcity.
Though pretty common with hard-to-get Apple products, it's unusual to see this with a Windows product -- and it's Microsoft's first PC, to boot.
One seller, with a stack of at least 10 Pros, is asking $1,300 for the 128GB model. Other sellers are asking $1,399 and even $1,499. The regular price is $999 for the 128GB model.
So, why is there a shortage to begin with? Though conspiracy theories abound about a staged shortage by Microsoft, others (mostly analysts) believe that suppliers simply weren't ready to deliver enough product to meet demand.
The 128GB model has been virtually unobtainable this week at the Microsoft Store, Best Buy, and Staples. And the status has not changed as of this afternoon based on checks at national retailers.
The Pro is one of the first
Windows 8 tablets to run legacy Windows software and sport a relatively powerful Intel Ivy Bridge processor.
Microsoft Specialty Store on Glendale, Calif.
Brooke Crothers)
Microsoft Surface Pro hoarders try to make a quick buck
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Microsoft Surface Pro hoarders try to make a quick buck