Thanks to BlueStacks, Angry Birds can officially be found on almost every Surface.
Hunting around the Windows store for your favorite apps can sometimes be a sad and demoralizing experience, particularly if you just dropped about a grand for that slick new Surface Pro from Microsoft.
Enter the startup BlueStacks on its multi-colored digital steed prepared to liberate the Surface with its
Android app player, shouting "Freedom!" at the top of its lungs a la Mel Gibson in Braveheart.
Actually, you can just download a version of the BlueStacks App Player optimized for the
Surface Pro that was just released today, but I do recommend at least donning a bit of blue war paint before clicking to make for a more memorable experience.
BlueStacks' app player is a sort of emulator that allows the whole universe of more than 750,000 Android apps (malware and all) to run on a PC. The Windows and Mac versions were first released last year, and the new
Windows 8/Surface Pro download greatly expands the options for users who previously might have shed a tear when perusing the less than 40,000 apps currently offered on Microsoft's official Windows app market.
According to a release from the company, BlueStacks is officially supported Windows 8 software, which is perhaps the most interesting part of the tale, especially given jabs at Redmond like this one from BlueStacks CEO Rosen Sharma in the statement:
The number of mobile apps being written overall is expanding exponentially and Microsoft has not added apps to the handful it has. Our goal is to get people more value out of their Surface Pro and Win8 devices.
BlueStacks has struck a handful of deals with PC and component makers like AMD, Asus and Lenovo and says that BlueStacks will come pre-loaded on millions of PCs in the future.
Forget about zombies, folks, from here on out, it looks like we'll have to look for Angry Birds around every corner and on every, uh...Surface.
BlueStacks brings a boat-load of Android apps to the Surface Pro
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BlueStacks brings a boat-load of Android apps to the Surface Pro