Jimmy Lee Dykes
Alabama Department of Public Safety
(CBS/AP) MIDLAND CITY, Ala. - Police have released a photo of the man they say is holding a 5-year-old boy hostage in an underground bunker on his rural Alabama property.
Jimmy Lee Dykes, 65, allegedly shot a school bus driver to death Tuesday, grabbed the kindergartner, and slipped into the bunker, which reportedly has electricity, food, and TV.
The standoff between police and Dykes dragged into a fourth day on Friday, as authorities sought to continue delicate conversations with the man through a pipe and worked to safely end the tense situation.
Police have delivered the boy's medication through a 4-inch-wide ventilation pipe leading to the bunker.
Hostage negotiators have used the pipe to talk to the gunman, identified by neighbors as Jimmy Lee Dykes, but investigators have been tightlipped about their conversations.
Complete coverage of the Alabama standoff on Crimesider
Photo released of alleged Ala. killer, hostage-taker
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Photo released of alleged Ala. killer, hostage-taker